Tuesday, April 10, 2012

From Champs to Chomps- How Urban Meyer Broke Florida Football

 It was Meyer who declared the Florida program “broken” at the end of his last regular season game in Gainesville in November of 2010. But why was it broken?

Matt Hayes of the Sporting News blasts Urban Meyer for the ultimate harm he did to our program. According to the article there was an inner circle of players that had free reign while others were treated with total disregard.

“Over the last two years he was there,” one former player said, “the players had taken complete control of the team.” Only now, through interviews with multiple sources during a three-month Sporting News investigation, do we see just how damaged the infrastructure really was and how much repair work second-year coach Will Muschamp has had to undertake in replacing Meyer—who has moved on to Ohio State less than a year after resigning from Florida for health reasons.

Meyer denies allegations that he cast Florida and its players in a dark light when he spoke to the Diggs family, and said, “I love Florida; I’ll always be a Gator. My motives were pure as gold when I left. We left Florida because I was dealing with health issues that I’ve since learned how to control.”

Read more: at the sporting news

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